Potensyal na flight time calculator.

Capacity of fuel in gallons :
Consumption ratings in gallons per hour :
Gallons of fuels actually in all tanks :
Calculated trip time : Hours
Trip start fuel load : Gallons
Full fuel load potential : Hours
Trip start fuel (Jet A) load weight : Pounds
Trip start fuel (AvGas) load weigh : Pounds

Potensyal na Formula ng Oras ng Flight

Jet a weight per gallon (DW) = 6.84

Aviation gasoline weight per gallon (GW) = 6.00

Kinakalkula ang oras ng paglalakbay = gallons / GPH.

Kabuuang kapasidad (AVGAS) Fuel load weight = (fuel weight) * (GW)

Potensyal na flight time calculator.