Avogadro's number calculator.

Number of atoms within the crystal unit cell (Z): g/mole
Average atomic mass (M):
Density (D): g/cm3
Volume (V): cm3
Avogadro's number (N) = mole-1

Formula ng Numero ng Avogadro:

N = (z x m) / (d x v)

Kung saan,

V = dami,

D = density,

M = average atomic mass,

Z = bilang ng mga atom sa loob ng cell cell cell.

Ang singil ng isang elektron ay 1.602 x 10- 19 coulomb

isang ampere = 1 coulomb / pangalawang o isang amp. = 1 coul

Number of atoms within the crystal unit cell (Z):


Average atomic mass (M):

Density (D):


Volume (V):

